Array My First Book of Baby Animals | Montessori From The Heart
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My First Book of Baby Animals

My First Book of Baby Animals

My First Book of Baby Animals is perfect for babies and toddlers to learn about the animal world through real-life images and simple text.

Recently, we found My First Book of Baby Animals (buy here) at a local library, and we knew we had to have it! With the sweet introduction of cutest baby animals, this sturdy board book will be enjoyed even by very little ones. Boasting with bright photos of baby animals in their native habitats, the book lists each species along with the appropriate name for the young: swan cygnet, kangaroo joey, gorilla infant. The more familiar bunny is used for the young rabbit rather than kitten.

My First Book of Baby Animals is a double-page beautifully illustrated book.


DSC_0003Fox Kit (buy here). Living in dens, both male and female foxes help to raise their young kits. 

Described as a cat-like canine, foxes (buy here) have dipped dark paws and coats of auburn that end in white at its mouth and tail. Foxes have eyes similar to a cat’s and like to pounce on their prey. Thanks to their keen sense of hearing, foxes can pounce with precision, knowing exactly where the dinner is. Although they are generally nocturnal, foxes can change their schedule according to the human population where it resides. Instilling life skills, foxes live by standards that include burying uneaten food, saving it for later. Fun Fact: Foxes can jump one yard vertically.

Bear CUB

DSC_0003Polar Bear and a cub (buy here). Read a post about Polar Bears here

Polar bear cubs weigh a mere 1 pound at birth (weighing the same as a can of beans or a guinea pig). Cubs are born hairless and have their eyes closed, depending on their mother to keep them warm and fed. Polar bears are the largest land-dwelling predatory animals on Earth. Their thick, snow-white fur and a thick layer of fat protect them from the cold, so they are perfectly adapted to life in the eternal ice of the Arctic. Polar bears are solitary, except for when cubs are living with females, whose pregnancies are triggered by her body condition and environmental factors, most often between September and November. This process, known as delayed implantation, is an adaption that ensures polar bear cubs will be born to healthy mothers at a time when their chances for survival are greatest. (See beautiful pictures of polar bears @ sandiegozoo here.)

Elephant CUB

DSC_0003African Elephant Calf (buy here) is suckled for up to five years.

Elephant cows stay with their mother until they are ready to bear young themselves and start their own family. Calves stay with their mother for up to twelve years until they leave to join a “bachelor herd.” African Elephants (buy here) are the largest members of the elephant family, and thus, is the largest land animals existing! Fully grown, a bull can get as big as a🏠house and as large as a 🚛 truck. Elephants have four toes on their front feet and five on their hind feet. African Elephants live in large herds which are divided into smaller families. The eldest and largest female is the matriarch and leads the others on the endless quest for food and water. Elephants spend up to sixteen hours a day searching for grass, branches, fruit and creeping plants. Elephants have a rugged but flexible hide, a long trunk and two ivory tusks. They use their very sensitive moveable trunk to communicate with one another through touch, grip and smell. 


DSC_0003While-tailed buck, doe, and fawn (buy here).

Deer live in small groups, usually only the mother and its calves. The males have magnificent antlers and live in small groups of three or four animals. The white-tailed deer (the symbol for nine states in the USA and two Canadian provinces) is a smaller, widespread deer species of North America that gets its name from its tail – its underside is always white. White-tailed deer graze mornings and evenings. They are herbivores and feed on green plants and nuts. Both the male deer and doe have a red-brown coat in the summer and a grey one in the winter. As they now have almost no natural enemies, deer populations are sometimes so large that they cannot find enough to eat. Deer are ruminant animals like cows, which means they have four stomachs and ruminate half-digested food. This complicated procedure allows the deer to eat twigs for example, which most animals cannot digest.

Gorilla INFANT

DSC_0003Gorilla Infant (buy a family set here).

Gorillas are the largest living representatives of the primate family. Despite their prominent canine teeth and muscular bodies, they feed almost exclusively on plants. The males are significantly larger than the females. A silvery grey fur develops on older gorillas which is why they are called “silverbacks.” The gorillas’ habitat in the jungle of Central Africa is continuously being encroached upon due to human expansion. For this reason, there are only a small number of these timid and fascinating animals remaining. They are an endangered species.

Horse FOAL

DSC_0003Stallion, Mare, and Foal family (buy here). 

Norwegian Fjord Horses, recognized by their build and the characteristic dark stripe, have been in existence for thousands of years. The Vikings used them as warhorses since they are small but powerful. With its compact body, strong neck and large straight head, it is reminiscent of Eastern European or Asian wild horses. Fjord horses can be found in all dun colors. The mane is usually cut so short that it stands up and the dark stripe runs along the whole back to the tail. Fjord horses are strong and sure-footed, which is why, today, they are used as mountain horses or to plow uneven terrain. They are also used in trotting races, for distance riding, and in combined driving.

My First Book of Baby Animals

DSC_0003From two fox kits climbing on logs to an adorable baby bunny to a trio of polar bears huddling close to stay warm, these pictures are simply fascinating!


The book is written by National Wildlife Federation, whose dedication to protecting wildlife and its habitat, continues to inspire generations of conservationists. 

Beautiful captivating photographs depict many of the young animals being cared for by a parent: a penguin chick begs for a hug; an eaglet rubs noses with its bald-eagle parent; an elephant calf helping its mom move a branch. A child will also see a sweet tiger cub padding softly on its paws across the ground; a little lion getting its head nuzzled by mama as they soak in the sun; two young kangaroos joeys at play; an infant chimpanzee clinging lovingly to its mother’s back, and more.

DSC_0003Feeling Spring in the air, and seeing baby animals at the farm, this book is Adrian’s favorite at the moment!

DSC_0027Spring brings babies to the barnyard, and we are weighing our baby animals.

Buy the farm baby animals here.
DSC_0027  See more of 🌸Spring 🌱Inspired Themed Unit Study here

DSC_0012-3Exploring baby animals hands-on today while reading My First Book of Baby Animals book. Buy wild baby animals here and wild here.  Adrian (48 m) is using Montessori Movable alphabet to spell each name. 


🐔Hens live in flocks. They lay eggs, hatch chicks with the help of a rooster 🐓. They roost on a perch.
🐖Pigs have piglets, and they live in herds in а pigsty (pigpen), or just sty. Their muzzle is called a snout.
🐑Sheep live in flocks, they have lambs.
🐐Goats (she-goat/he-goat), antelopes, and gnus have kids.
Deer’s horns are called antlers; baby deer is called a fawn.
🐴Horses and Zebras have foals. Giraffes and buffaloes have a calf (calves), living in herds/bands.
🐂Cows also live in herds, the baby cow is called a calf and a father a bull.

Stay tuned for more baby animals activities …

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