Array Dinosaur Measure-Sort Kids Activities | Montessori From The Heart
Adrian 6 years KINDERGARTNER TODDLER Unit Study ZOOLOGY 🐘 🐠 🕊️🐞 🐢

Dinosaur Measure-Sort Kids Activities


Dinosaur MEASURE-SORT Montessori Pre-K Kids Activities are designed for preschoolers and kindergartners to develop spatial awareness, sorting, classifying, and measuring skills through engaging invitations to learn.

Calling all toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners to sort and measure fascinating reptiles with fun Montessori Dinosaur MEASURE-SORT Pre-K Kids Activities! Trust me, your little one will love these hands-on invitations to learn as little hands explore and classify DINOSAUR friends! Besides, you can easily modify this activity if your little one is not a dino fan! You can substitute dinosaurs for any animal figurines, food items, toys, transportation, and more! Use what you have and follow your child’s interests. The goal is to set an engaging activity that captivates your little one’s attention while s/he is developing fine motor control, numeracy, and reasoning skills.

Below are some of our favorite Dinosaur activities to promote hands-on learning by doing.


Dino-Schleich-BIG_MEDIUM_SMALL-SORT-Kids Activity

As a part of this Dinosaur MEASURE-SORT Kids Activities series, here is an easy DIY SIZE-SORTING invitation to learn what you can set up in less than five minutes!

You’ll NEED:
– recycled cardboard
– a marker
– dinosaurs

– hand-eye coordination
– fine motor control and dexterity
– sorting and classifying
– language development LARGE, MEDIUM, SMALL (I wrote ‘big’ instead of ‘large’ since I also wanted to visually emphasize the word’s size and the word “large” would not have fit in large font, but feel free to use the word LARGE instead)


Did you know that the developmental milestone to learn to CLASSIFY objects emerges at about 18 M when your toddler uses brainpower to sort favorite toys? So, start EARLY ON by offering engaging and stimulating invitations to sort!

Dino-Schleich-BIG_MEDIUM_SMALL-SORT-Kids Activity Preschool

You can see this post on Instagram HERE


Our visual and tactile perception consists of understanding HOW objects are situated in space. Thus, understanding the attributes of those objects, such as relative size, which can be a distinguishing characteristic, is a key to mastering this vital skill. Moreover, with Montessori-inspired Pre-K invitations to learn, classifying objects into categories allows children to mentally and physically organize things in their world.

Measuring Dinosaurs with Lego Pieces


Are there any Dino fans? With this Montessori inspred Pre-K invitation to learn, you can measure ANYTHING! Besides, NO RULLER is required! Do you have cars or trucks? What about teddy bears, dolls, animal figures, even food?!

Materials and Supplies

Below is the list of materials and supplies you will need:

  1. Manipulatives you will be using to measure with (we are using  LEGO Duplo, but you can also use small blocks)
  2. Numerals
  3. Dinosaurs

AGE 2.5Y + Always supervise your child!

We have been doing this activity since Adrian was about 2.5 years old. At that age, skip the numeral identification part!

– hand-eye coordination
– fine motor control & dexterity
– numeracy abs measuring skills
– sorting and classifying
– language development: large, medium, small


Toddlers apply measurement concepts in many everyday tasks when they compare toys’ sizes, trains’ lengths, and even portions of food being served. Early on, while exploring ways to compare, they use non-standard measurement tools such as hands or feet to estimate length, and offering them blocks or LEGO prices is a great alternative! Thus, by developing the ability to compare two or more objects, children learn to understand that objects can be measured differently!

Free Measurements Hands-On Work Book Kids Activity Pack

FREE Measurements Hands-On Work Book Kids Activity
FREE Measurements Hands-On Work Book Kids Activity

Non-Ruller Measuring Items:

You can use whatever you have on hand as a measuring reference: paper clips, gum drops, coins, pasta, marbles, etc. Here are some examples of common items you can use as a measuring reference:

  1. Everyday Objects: Items like coins, keys, or utensils can serve as quick measuring references for small lengths or sizes.
  2. Body Parts: Using your hand span, finger width, or foot length as a reference can be a handy way to estimate measurements.
  3. Stationery: Pencils, pens, or markers can be used to measure and compare lengths or sizes of objects.
  4. Household Items: Items like paper clips, rubber bands, or strings can be easily manipulated to measure various objects.
  5. Food Items: If you’re in the kitchen, ingredients like spaghetti, rice grains, or pieces of bread can serve as makeshift measuring tools.
  6. Toys: Building blocks, action figures, or toy cars can be used for playful measurements, especially with kids.
  7. Nature: Leaves, twigs, or rocks found outdoors can be used for natural measurements during outdoor activities.
  8. Containers: Empty containers like cups, glasses, or jars can be used to estimate volumes or capacities.
  9. Clothing: Clothing items like shoelaces, belts, or socks can be used for rough measurements in a pinch.
  10. Art Supplies: Items like paintbrushes, crayons, or rulers can also be handy for measuring in arts and crafts projects.

Remember that while these items can be useful for estimating measurements, they may not provide precise measurements like a ruler or measuring tape would. However, they can add an element of creativity and playfulness to the measuring process.



Your little one will LOVE sorting objects by water, land, and air! Besides, the best part is that you can sort what you have! Sort forest animals, transportation, Savanna animals, insects, etc. Use your child’s interests as a guide!

You’ll NEED:
– recycled cardboard
– 3 color- felts (optional) or just draw on a cardboard with a marker
-animal figurines

AGE 15M + Always supervise your child!

– hand-eye coordination
– fine motor control & dexterity
– matching, sorting, and classifying
– language development


The developmental milestone to learn to match objects emerges from age 15 -19 when your soon-to-be toddler is using brainpower to match favorite toys! Sorting is also an amazing tool to enhance problem-solving, critical thinking, and spatial awareness (think of it as a DIY puzzle ), so don’t underestimate the power of sorting through PLAY!

FOR MORE SORTING Montessori Pre-K Invitations to Learn



FOR MORE Dinosaurs Kids Activities


See HERE our entire Dino Unit Study.


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