Array Join Monthly Kids Activities Plan Membership | Montessori From The Heart

Join Monthly Kids Activities Plan Membership

Join Monthly Kids Activities Plan Subscription

Join the Monthly Kids Activities Plan (MKAP) Membership today and turn the circus of parenting into a well-choreographed performance while keeping your kids entertained, educated, and engaged.

Let’s make parenting a joy, not a juggling act! Join Monthly Kids Activities Plan (MKAP) Membership to keep kids happily engaged with simple, fun, hands-on activities every day. You do not have to navigate this path alone. Together, let’s make homeschooling an easier, more fulfilling experience for both you and your child!

Johnson Story

It was a typical Friday morning in the Johnson household. The kids were bouncing off the walls, demanding attention, and somehow, the coffee machine had decided to take a day off. Sarah, a busy mom of three, felt like she was juggling more balls than a circus clown. “How am I going to keep these kids entertained and engaged all day?” she wondered, as she watched her youngest try to color the dog with crayons.

Should We Be Excited About a Weekend Ahead?

Although Sarah should have theoretically been excited about a relaxing weekend ahead, the hard truth sunk in—kids don’t follow a calendar and couldn’t care less what day of the week it is! To them, weekends are just more days to be filled with fun and excitement.

Then she remembered the Monthly Kids Activities Plan (MKAP) she had heard about from her close homeschooling friend. Desperate for a lifeline, she decided to give it a try. What happened next was nothing short of magical. Within minutes, she had a structured plan of activities for an entire month, tailored to her kids’ ages and interests.

Luckily, MKAP had her covered with engaging crafts specifically assigned for weekends, too! Crisis averted. The house was transformed from a chaotic zoo into a harmonious haven of fun and learning.

Join Monthly Kids Activities Plan Membership Katie
Join Monthly Kids Activities Plan Membership Katie

Join Monthly Kids Activities Plan Membership

Although parenting doesn’t come with a user manual, your homeschooling can! Spend less time searching and more time doing because you’ve got a Plan The Monthly Kids Activities Plan! So, grab my time-proven roadmap for just $0.49 a day, and fast-track your way to homeschooling success!

Montessori From The Heart Monthly Kids Activities Plan Subscription $0.49 cents a day
Montessori From The Heart Monthly Kids Activities Plan Subscription $0.49 cents a day

*Keeping kids happily engaged with simple, fun, hands-on activities every day.

Why Join Join Monthly Kids Activities Plan Membership?

We get it. Parenting can feel like a three-ring circus, but it doesn’t have to. That’s where the Monthly Kids Activities Plan (MKAP) comes in—your ringmaster in the chaos of daily life!

MKAP isn’t just another activity plan; it’s your sanity saver. Here’s why you need it:

Comprehensive Activity Plans: Our expert team curates monthly activity plans that cater to different age groups and interests. No more scrambling for ideas or worrying if your child is getting enough variety and enrichment.

Join Monthly Kids Activities Plan Membership Bee

Convenience and Flexibility: Whether you’re a busy parent or a homeschooling family, our plans are designed to fit seamlessly into your schedule. Imagine the relief of knowing you have a plan ready to roll out, even on those hectic days.

Exclusive Access: Members get first dibs on our soon-to-launch App, packed with additional resources, tutorials, and a supportive community of like-minded parents. It’s like having a parenting magic wand at your fingertips!

Cost-Effective: By joining now, you lock in the current price before it increases with the App release. More bang for your buck and a happier household—what’s not to love?

No Ads Ever: Tired of those never-ending Ads? Our members’ site is completely ad-free, ensuring a seamless and uninterrupted experience for you and your kids.

Join Monthly Kids Activities Plan Subscription
Join Monthly Kids Activities Plan Subscription

What’s in the App?

Our upcoming app is like a fairy godmother for parents, waving a wand to make your life easier:

Interactive Features: Track your child’s progress, set reminders for activities, and receive personalized recommendations. No more guesswork or missed opportunities.

Community Support: Connect with other parents, share experiences, and get advice from experts. Since parenting doesn’t come with a manual, it should come with friends!

Resource Library: Access a treasure trove of tutorials, printables, and activity ideas at your fingertips. It’s like having a teacher, a coach, and a cheerleader all rolled into one.

Join Monthly Kids Activities Plan Membership Rachel

Don’t Miss Out!

Join Monthly Kids Activities Plan Membership today to lock in the price!

Picture this: The next time your kids are bouncing off the walls, instead of feeling overwhelmed, you simply open the MKAP app, choose an activity, and watch as your kids dive in, learning and having fun. Sound like a dream? It’s not. It’s MKAP.

p.s. With the app launch, prices will soon go up! By joining now, you ensure your family benefits from our comprehensive activity plans at the best possible price.

New On The Blog

Read here, Juggling Activities with Multiple Kids, and get a Guide.
Juggling Activities with Multiple Kids Guide
Juggling Activities with Multiple Kids Guide

Need Sensory Play Ideas for Multiple Kids? 

Sensory activities are great for all ages and I created an eBook with time-tested recipes! Grab this FREE eBook on Sensory Play Ideas to transform your house from a chaotic zoo into a harmonious haven of fun!

Recipe Sensory Play eBook Freebie Resource
Recipe Sensory Play eBook Freebie Resource

Nature Scavenger Hunts

Free Nature Walk Scavenger Hunt
Grab the Freebie here.
FREE Nature-Walk-Scavenger-Hunt
FREE Nature-Walk-Scavenger-Hunt

Looking for some DIY Recycled Play Ideas this Summer?

Read here Paint Samples Shade Matching DIY Kids Activity.
Paint Samples Shade Matching DIY Kids Activity
Paint Samples Shade Matching DIY Kids Activity

By the way, do you need help on your homeschooling journey?

Because you don’t need to do it all alone!

While there is no magic bullet, there is a process! So, let me help you 10X your Homeschooling and Not Your To-Do list!

Choose Montessori and/or Thematical Courses, join our MKAP family subscription, or apply for a Customized Curriculum Plan!


For More Paint Sample Ideas

See here Paint Samples Nature Nunt.

Join Monthly Kids Activities Plan Membership and Discover a Plan, a Path, and a Parent Tribe.

Click HERE to let your transformational journey begin!

Join Monthly Kids Activities Plan Subscription to stop searching and start doing
Join Monthly Kids Activities Plan Subscription to stop searching and start doing

For as little as $0.49 cents per day, discover a world of hands-on learning with our monthly themed activities! Each month receive a brand new calendar with eBooks and video tutorial activities and aesthetically designed quality printables curated for your child with love! Choose a flexible subscription – pay monthly, cancel anytime. Wishing to save a buck? Save $50 with an annual prepayment or opt for a one-time payment for lifetime access to all future plans.

Find easy-to-set-up, fun, hands-on activities with minimal to no-cost setup and leave the overwhelm behind!

  • On the 1st of each month, unlock a brand new pre-planned, up-to-date activities calendar, plus a supply list.
  • Activities are assigned to each day of the week as eBooks or video tutorials, plus aesthetically designed printables.
  • Suitable for children 18 months to 6 years.

Join Monthly Kids Activities Plan Membership

Spend less time searching and more time doing because you’ve got a Plan.

Let’s face it, the never-ending cycle of searching, planning, and wondering what to do with your little one can be downright draining. But fear not! MKAP is here to be your superhero cape in this whirlwind of parenthood. Say goodbye to those moments of doubt and frustration, and let’s turn this adventure into a joyful, stress-free journey together. Let MKAP be your guiding light, your saving grace, and your partner in creating unforgettable memories with your kiddo.


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Montessori From The Heart

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