Array Encyclopedia Prehistorica: Dinosaurs Pop-up Book๐Ÿ“š (Dino Unit Study) | Montessori From The Heart
Adrian 3 years Adrian 39 months Books ๐Ÿ“š LANGUAGE ๐Ÿ”ค โœ๏ธ Unit Study ZOOLOGY ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ  ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ๐Ÿž ๐Ÿข

Encyclopedia Prehistorica: Dinosaurs Pop-up Book๐Ÿ“š (Dino Unit Study)

We are so excited to start our Dinosaur Unit study. We always read and research first, and then explore in pretend and sensory play. And what is a better way to start a new subject than with the encyclopedia? So, today we are reading the Encyclopedia Prehistorica: Dinosaurs pop-up book (buy here).

The Tyrannosaurus-Rex is very detailed (buy here) – he even has a movable lower jaw!

This pop-up series book is amazing! It is full of fascinating facts, including up-to-date information about a well-known dinosaurs as well as many lesser-familiar varieties. The book is very comprehensive, offering a lot of details and interesting facts, while integrating the three-dimensional large pop-up dinosaurs as well as booklets of smaller pop-ups and text. The book is complex though for a three-year old, so with Adrian we read a page or two at a time, but Julia really enjoys it. 


Open the book and a massive T-Rex springs out, flashing a startling jawful of jagged teeth. Did you know that each tooth was approximately the size of a banana? Also, did you know that T-Rex had a very bad breath? Granted, most dinosaurs did not brush their teeth during the Mesozoic Era, and very few of them flossed ๐Ÿ™‚ In fact, some experts think that the shards of rotten, bacteria-infested meat lodged in its numerous teeth gave T-Rex a "septic bite," which may have infected (and eventually killed) wounded prey. The problem is, this process would have taken weeks, by which time some other lucky carnivore would have reaped the kill!

DSC_0209Brachiosaurus is Adrian's favorite dinosaur! (Buy here )

"Inside the book, you will find "shield bearers in full-body armor, creatures with frilly headgear, and weighty, long-necked giants."

With each of six spreads featuring one spectacular large pop-up dinosaur, as well as booklets of smaller pop-ups and text, this encyclopedia is a magnificent display of "paper engineering and creativity "! I hope you will enjoy as much as we do. 

Stay tuned for more Dinosaur Unit Study … 

p.s. Read here about our Dinosaur Box.

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